Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that it is important to know and ask questions when deciding on the best services for your child. Read through out most frequently asked caregiver questions. Don't see a question you have answered, give us a call!
1. What insurances do you take?
Medicaid, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Cigna/Evernorth, Aetna, Kaiser Permanente, and Unite Healthcare. We are also not opposed to getting in-network with other insurances. Let us know what you have and we'll discuss the options.
2. Do you take Tricare?
Unfortunately, we do not take Tricare at this time.
3.Do you offer in-center, in-home, or a combination of both?
We offer services in the home, at our center, or a hybrid of both throughout the week.​​​ Sessions that are scheduled at the center will occur at 4775 Centennial Blvd. #106, Colorado Springs, CO.
4. Do you have a minimum or maximum number of hours per week for sessions?
​Session recommendations begin at a minimum of 4 hours per week and a maximum of 35 hours per week.
5. Who determines the amount of hours my child will receive?
The BCBA conducting the intake assessment will recommend a number of hours per week based on the information provided during the interview, direct observation assessment, and family goals and values.
6. At what time do sessions occur?
An ongoing schedule will be determined prior to the start date of services. Sessions will occur between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday through Thursday, and 8:00 am and 3:00 pm on Friday.
7. Is scheduling flexible?
Yes. Our Scheduling Team will set up an ongoing schedule with you before the start of services based on the number of hours recommended by the BCBA, caregiver preference and what is approved by insurance. We ask that caregivers notify our Scheduling Team at least 2 weeks prior to any requested change in their ongoing schedule. We also ask that any cancellations or time adjustments needed on a short notice be communicated as soon as possible to our Scheduling Team.
8. What are the benefits of ABA?
Decrease in challenging behaviors
Increase in expressive communication
Increase in receptive communication
Increase in independent living skills and safety
Increase in self-care and social skills
Improved Self-Advocacy Skills and emotional regulation\
9. What are the risks of ABA?
Increase in other or novel challenging behaviors
Time commitment
Intensity of services may be tiring
Difficulties with generalizing skills across people, locations, and stimuli
The use of home and personal materials in the home setting​
10. How involved can I still be with my child in their session?
​As involved as you want! ABA therapy requires intensive support from caregivers. We encourage our caregivers to involve themselves in sessions and programming. Our therapists may even ask if you'd like to run a program or learn a protocol to generalize when we aren't there.
11. Do I have to be involved in the session the entire time?
Nope. Per our caregiver handbook, caregivers agree to participate in a minimum of 10% of all sessions provided and schedule caregiver meetings with our Caregiver Advocacy at least once a month.
12. Can I come to the center and shadow during my child's session?
Absolutely! You don't have to tell us beforehand. Just show up and let your child's therapist know you'll be staying for the session.
13. What if I have to cancel or adjust my child's session?
In the event that you need to cancel a session, we ask that you provide notice as soon as possible to our Scheduling Team out of respect to our staff and their time. Should you need to adjsut your scheduled session times or location we ask that you notify our Scheduling Team at least 2 weeks prior to the requested change. This include requesting additional sessions during holiday or summer breaks. All changes will be subject to staff availability.
14. What is your sick policy?
Session may resume after 24 hours without fever, vomiting, uncontrolled diarrhea and/or other contagious symptoms.
15. Can the therapist accompany us to an outing (activities) or appointments?
As long as the outing is contextually appropriate for our therapists to continue providing quality services by implementing programming, we are more than happy to support them in other environments.
16. Can I leave my child with the therapist to run an errand or attend to my other child(s) activities or appointments?
​For the safety of our clients and our staff, a caregiver or caregiver approved adult must be present during the time of session with the exception of emergency situations that must be communicated to our Scheduling Team and BCBA.
17. What if my child has other therapies that overlap?
Our clinical team welcomes collaboration with other stakeholders If another therapy overlaps ABA, our therapists will continue to provide behavioral support while giving the other professional therapist space to conduct their session.​
18. If my child is in school, can therapists accompany them?
​If the school district approves ABA to accompany your child and all the needed paperwork is completed, our therapist can be scheduled to provide services during school hours.
19. What do you work on with my child?​
Our therapists will implement programming based on the treatment plan written by your child's BCBA. You and your BCBA will discuss programming that is appropriate and socially valid for your child and family. ​
20. How do you handle behaviors?
Our staff is trained in de-escalation and provides a universal protocol to challenging behaviors utilizing Acceptance and Commitment Therapy practices. Therapists will also implement the Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) written by the BCBA. No punishment procedures shall be used as well as any non-evidence based treatment.
21. How do you work with my child when their siblings are home?
We welcome sibling involvement especially if programming requires it, i.e. sibling engagement. It is also helpful when generalizing across family members. If our therapist does need space to run individual programming, we or your child will advocate for that time.​​
​22. How do you make sure behaviors transfer to different environments?
Our team implements only Evidence-Based and Process-Based Practices that are within the scope of our ABA practice. These practices include Relational Frame Theory (RFT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which have been demonstrated to promote flexibility and generalization. ​​​
23. Do you have social events?
Social Group is offered to clients between the ages of 12-18 years old on Wednesdays from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM at our Center.
24. Do you have an ethics code your team adheres to?
All members of our staff adhere to the Ethics Code outlined by the BACB. Follow the links to read the RBT Ethics Code and the Ethics Code for Behavior Analysts.